The baroque monuments in district of Mělník
The district of Mělník is situated in the centre of the Czech Republic to the north from Prague.
The district is 712,5 km2 large and about 92 000 citizens live there. In the district there are 6 towns and 64 villages with communal office.
The centre of the district is Mělník, a town with a rich history. In the territory it is possible to find lots of architectural monuments including these created in Baroque age.
Except tiny country baroque buildings there are also important baroque castles.
The period of Baroque age in the Czech Republic is called the Golden Age of Castles. From this age it is possible to find a castle, often guite a small one, in every estate. The owner of the castle often decided about the form and shape of the castle. It was he, who decided about the positioning of rooms, the size of the castle and of course about the budget. The usual education of noblemen also contained the basic knowledge of architecture which they had learned in foreign countries, especially in Italy and France. From these countries, and later from Bavaria and Austria, well-known architects and builders were coming to us since the 16. century and they brought with them new bulding methods and technologies which they thaught here.
The inhabitants of a castle belonged to various social classes. Their diferent social ranks resulted in their rights and duties.
Nobility developed its individual life style, which corresponded with contemporary ideals. Celebrations, games and amusement, dance and hunting belonget to their most usual activities.
The equipement of a castle was conformed to these activities. Big attention was paid to the social rooms, theatre halls, galeries, but also to game preserves with terraces for game watching.