Jan Blažej Santini Aichl
Jan Blažej Santini Aichl was born on 3rd February, 1677 in Prague as the eldest son of the master stone-dresser Santin Aichl. His grandfather Antonín Aichl came from the Italian townlet of Roveredo, from which he came to Prague in the first half of the thirties of 17th century.
Jan Santini's father Santin Aichl also graduated as a stone-dresser. As such a craftsman he participated in constructing many significant buildings in Prague (St. Francis's Church of the Knights, Archiepiscopal Seminary, Černín Palace, etc.).
Jan Blažej Santini Aichl studied painting in the workshop of the imperial and royal painter Kristián Schröder.
Even during his life Santini became a very significant and reputable personality. He died at the age of 47 years in 1723.
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